Wednesday, 9 April 2008

National Debate

" On-line Teaching is more relevant to the Digital Native than Classroom Delivery"

voted & 61% of delgates disagreed.

a general discussion centred around the phrasing of the question ..... on-line teaching rather than on-line learning......

some comments

Could be a book be seen as virtual learning

Learning collaboratively is a process nothing to do with technology

The key is to be able to offer the full range of CONTENT that technology enables, not to redefine the process or create an either / or aspect to it.

Students don't want us to enter their social spaces just as they don't want us to come down the pub with them (well not usually!)

Technology can support personalisation.

1 comment:

Martin King said...

There is a connection of learning style with on-line access.

those who are OK with self learnign probably are OK with on-line learning otherwise we haev to look at methods of on-line teaching and even then the student needs to be more self reliant than the student in the classroom

we need more information.

I think a big factor is learning style - some like me prefer on-line